Local Science Olympiad Events and Times


Science Olympiad is an extra curricular activity offered to 6th , 7th, and 8th graders at MMS. Students who compete in the local events can qualify to be on the 15 member team that will represent MMS at the State Science Olympiad on March 31, 2012. Requirements for the state team include:  meeting attendance, working on additional events not included in the local contests. Placing first in a local event in addition to attendance is another way to qualify. 

The new rules are  available in October each year. See Mrs. Frederick for more information.

This year the local events will be:


Local Event Competition Time and Date
Awesome Aquifer By appointment with Mrs. Frederick in February
Battery Buggy  TBA SIT or After school
Junkyard Challenge By Appointment with Mrs. Frederick in February
Storm the Castle  TBA in SIT or After School
Towers TBA SIT or After School
Other Events: Anatomy(respiratory, muscular, endocrine systems( Bottle Rocket Can't Judge a Powder Compute This Crime Busters
Disease Detectives(food borne diseases) Dynamic Planet Ecology (tundra, tiaga) Experimental Design Fossils Microbe Mission
Meteorology(severe storms) Ornithology Optics Road Scholar Shock Value Solar System
Write It Do It Home SO Page Event Info

To find information about these events got to: www.soinc.org

For Rules for each event see Mrs. Frederick or your own Science teacher.

If you want to participate and can not attend one of these events you may make arrangements with Mrs. Frederick. Make your arrangements prior to the time of the event.